Default Rules: Theoretical Foundations

This Handbook chapter critically reviews the contributions of several theoretical perspectives to the understanding and design of default rules in contract law—including autonomy-based theories, economic analysis, and social conceptions of contract law. It also notes the key challenges that face the theoretical analysis of default rules.

Keywords: contract law, default rules, mandatory rules, contract interpretation, penalty default rules, neo-formalism, economic analysis, distributive justice, paternalism

JEL Classification: D03, K12

Suggested Citation: Suggested Citation

Zamir, Eyal, Default Rules: Theoretical Foundations (March 25, 2021). Research Handbook on the Philosophy of Contract Law (Mindy Chen-Wishart and Prince Saprai eds., Edward Elgar Publishing, forthcoming 2022), Hebrew University of Jerusalem Legal Research Paper No. 21-19, Available at SSRN: or

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