Car Rental

FSU has a contract with Avis Budget Group, Inc, the parent company of Avis Rent-A-Car to provide vehicle rental services effective September 30, 2020. This means that it is preferred that all rental cars be rented exclusively through Budget or Avis. As a result of our contract, FSU employees and even students get discounted rates, even when they are not traveling on official FSU business. However, the terms are specific, and not following them can mean denial of reimbursement for your rental car.

If you are interested in using a rental car for your trip, reserving a car through Avis or Budget is easy. You can either contact the FSU liaison with our Contract Number, or you can contact the office manager to help you arrange a rental car. Using the Contract Number should ensure you receive the proper discounts, and includes insurance.

When reserving a car, FSU will only reimburse you for the price of an compact sized car. The only exceptions are if you are traveling with a large amount of research equipment, with multiple people affiliated with FSU, or you qualify for additional ADA accommodations and have an approved Reasonable Accommodations form on file the FSU's Human Resources Department. Size nor stature is considered an exception, nor is unsavory weather conditions.

If using a rental car, FSU will only reimburse you for gas purchases. Make sure you keep the receipts from your travels and provide them for us at the end of your trip. Please note that FSU requires you to return the rental car with a full tank; they will not pay any fees associated with returning the car without being filled up.

Department of Statistics, Florida State University
214 Rogers Building (OSB), 117 N. Woodward Ave.
P.O. Box 3064330, Tallahassee, FL 32306-4330
Ph: 850 644 3218 | Fax: 850 644 5271
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Tallahassee, FL 32306