Data License

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Access consistent high-quality data across your organization

Bloomberg Data License provides billions of data points daily spanning Reference, ESG, Pricing, Risk, Regulation, Fundamentals, Estimates, Historical data and more to help you streamline operations and discover new investment opportunities.

Data License content aligns with the data on the Bloomberg Terminal to support investment workflows consistently and at scale across your enterprise.

Quickly discover content

Explore the breadth of Bloomberg’s content via an intuitive online data catalog.

Customize datasets

Acquire Bloomberg curated datasets or customize your own.

Automate your workflows

Efficiently access Data License content via a REST API, SFTP or natively in all major cloud providers.

Unparalleled quality and breadth of data

Data License provides access to Bloomberg’s comprehensive content

Data points published daily

Financial instruments

Data fields


Maximize value with flexible delivery options

Data License Per Security

Select exactly the Bloomberg content you need to meet your business priorities with precise, targeted data. Request and schedule the delivery of your selected content to your cloud, API hub or application.

Data License Bulk

Access and combine Bloomberg curated content for Pricing, Reference, Regulatory, ESG and Sustainability, Corporate Actions, Fundamentals, News and other use cases. Bulk datasets are available daily with 20+ years of history and are fully consistent with Per Security content so you can tailor an end-to-end solution across Data License products.

Seamless Access

Our comprehensive datasets are easy to access and use across your enterprise to drive your operations. Get started at or DATA on the Bloomberg Terminal.

Streamline your data management and distribution

Data License Plus (DL+) is a fully managed service that hosts, aggregates, organizes and links all of your Data License data into a unified model designed for immediate use.

DL+ can also publish your refreshed licensed content, in a ready-to-use format, directly into your cloud data platform as it becomes available while maintaining transparency, consistency, quality and control.