Educators will have more autonomy to decide when and how to do their out-of-classroom work. The workday remains the same length in this contract. UFT-represented employees have a 6 hour, 20 minute workday with 155 minutes of extended time configured in different ways depending on the school. Check our FAQ for answers to questions about the workday . As part of our contract negotiations, the DOE revised the 2023-24 calendar to add four more holidays and issued calendars for the next two school years.
Elementary and Middle Schools: The school day will start no earlier than 8 a.m. and may end no later than 3:45 p.m. High schools: In single-session K-12, 6-12 and high schools, the day will start no earlier than 8 a.m. and end no later than 4:20 p.m. on Mondays and Tuesdays and 3:45 p.m. on Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays.
A new three-year pilot workday for teachers and paraprofessionals will be launched for the 2023-24, 2024-25 and 2025-26 school years. Like the current pilot workday, both the DOE and the UFT must agree to extend it each year after that or the configuration of time reverts back to 37.5 minutes after school for small-group instruction and tutoring Mondays through Thursday.
For multi-session high schools and other schools with a 6 hour, 50 minute workday:
Professional activity periods reduced to four per week, with the current fifth professional activity period converted to self-directed Other Professional Work.
40 minutes of remote parent-engagement time twice per term in October, January, February and April. In these months, there will be one 40-minute faculty conference OR one 40-minute grade conference.
After-school faculty and grade conferences:
IEP conferences can be scheduled during this time.
Chapter leaders may use the SBO process to modify the use of the 150 minutes of extended time. See the pre-approved SBO options.
Teachers have new options on the menu for professional activities.
See lists of options and contractual guides below and a sample professional activity menu:
Parent-teacher conferences follow the same guidance as the 2021-22 and 2022-23 school years.
Speech Teachers covered by the pilot workday: 25 minutes Mondays through Thursdays for in-person SESIS work, plus 55 minutes of remote SESIS work.
OT/PTs, school counselors, school-based social workers and psychologists, Deaf and Hard of Hearing Education Services and Educational Vision Services, and audiologists: Related service providers will create their own schedules based on students’ instructional programs, subject to supervisory approval. Up to 55 minutes of remote work per week to complete administrative and paperwork. Schedules must include adequate time for employees in these titles to complete administrative tasks.
School nurses, school secretaries, teachers of the homebound, adult education staff, hospital schools teachers and lab specialists: Up to 55 minutes of remote work per week to complete administrative duties and paperwork.
The Chancellor’s Conference Day professional development sessions will be fully remote.
For the 2023-24 school year, the DOE made professional development on Election Day, which is Tuesday, Nov. 7, fully remote for all school-based staff.
For teachers assigned, school counselors assigned, non-school-based social workers and psychologists (for example, CSE), education officers & analysts, associate education officers & analysts, administrative education officers & analysts, attendance teachers, audiologists, directors of alcohol and substance abuses, school medical inspectors, sign language interpreters.
A two-year pilot for employees rated developing or higher.
These employees may work up to two days per week of remote work, with supervisory approval, only if:
Employees in these same titles will be allowed to work remotely at the DOE’s discretion on days in which school buildings are closed for an emergency, such as a severe snowstorm.